Tag Archives: no sleep


Birds are singing. Loud. Gathering or something. Outside my window. 
And I'm not sleeping.

5:16am as I’m writing these words. Should’ve closed my eyes and forced myself to dance into dreamland hours ago. As usual I just couldn’t. Staying up late summer nights never seem to bore me. The fact that I don’t mind my eyes glaring and my stomach crying out loud for breakfast really get me going. Nico will show up at my place in about less than two and a half hours. That’s probably why I’m so excited. Haven’t seen each other since he left Volda in the middle of June. Been reading the manga Bleach for hours. I’m a geek and I’m proud of it. Addicted. I also can’t sleep because I’ve left my outdoor open (because I never can hear him nock if I’m fast asleep), and a couple of weeks ago I got experience with late night douchebags who stole into my apartment, and locked them selves up in my bathroom. Stupid, blond skank just had to pee pee. Stupid, big, scary dude as her companion. Why do people always bother my sleep? And why always the nights I actually sleep… Stupid, stupid, stupid. She could’ve borrowed the toilet with actual permission if she’d been clever enough to knock, and asked before she disrespectfully urinated on my property. I dislike stupid people. Anyway, now this post is also getting stupid. It’s like I’m losing the threads. Don’t know where I’m going. I know I’m losing them. Mess. Just like my knitting project. Stupid. Again. I know cupid is stupid. Yet I smile. Two hours and I’m no longer a workaholic loner living in a sitting box. Finally. No more nights petting my tear wet pillow. Now I’m just playing emo. Stupid. Birds are still singing. I think this will be a good day. After some sleep of course! 6:30am. Zzzz. Good morning sunshine!

22 hours ago. I should post a picture to let you now how the present situation looks like.
I’ll skip it just to save your tears. Zombie.

TUNEZ TODAY: Nirvana – Lake of Fire, Dumb, Drain You, Very Ape.
And if you haven’t heard it before, her words never die, ever. Check out Patti Smith – The Salvation of Rock (Live), first track on the album Easter Rising. Then you space out for an hour hearing the rest of it. Enjoy yourself! Y