Tag Archives: kaizers orchestra

Piling up

Working class heroine. That's what I'm gonna be.
A working monster, ladylike machinery.

My box of snus just flipped, and took a salto mortale down into my dreamy sheets. FML. Now I’ll have to do even more laundry. Hate it. Piles of dirty laundry. Bathroom floor once were. Now its a living ocean of swimming slim legs and drowning t-shirts. A curled up tie, lying like a dead tongue is laughing at me. Bedroom floor dusty, and dirty. I’ve got to much stuff, and I’ve got no room for squirreling away anything. A mess. Chaos! Tomorrow I’ll have to store my student life into small little boxes, and huge plastic bags. Don’t have much – but a couple of guitars, a bass guitar, two trumpets, a keyboard, an unknown number of books, pictures, cds and dvds, hats, shoes, dresses, sunshades, and a collection of percussion instruments and leather jackets are on the move. I’m finally on the move. Monday 6th of August, and the calendar says VACATION BABY. Two weeks before schools up. Couch surfing is the new biggie. First stop is Malin and Torbjørn, living together with their baby, a full-grown rabbit named Tore. Awesome. Now back to my laundry. I swear it’s piling up secretly behind my back! And where do all the happy couples of socks go…? All I see is ugly break ups of marriage. I bet the monster under my bed is a lonesome fellah.

Just another random post… Can’t wait for my life to get a little bit more exiting. Yesterday I ordered tickets to the opening day of Jugendfest, a music festival located in Ålesund city. Thursday 16th. I’m thrilled! One of my favorite bands of all time, the Norwegian Kaizers Orchestra is coming for the show. And The Prodigy. Happy tears in my eyes! Sad to miss Roxette playing on Saturday, but I know, in life you can’t always get what you want. At least not all of it. K.

TUNEZ TODAY: Kaizers Orchestra – Bastard Sønn, Blitzregn Baby, Knekker Deg Til Sist, Bøn Fra Helvete, Christiania.
YOU should first listen to their oldest albums, then you play knick knock running stairs further up in their discography.