Category Archives: WTF

Liebster Blog Award, thanks to Dear Kitty. Some blog


Dear Kitty. Some blog was so kind to nominate me for the Liebster Blog Award. Thank you!

“This award is to promote quality blogs & to help promote the work of bloggers who may not have a large following. Part of getting this award is giving it forward and to award it to 3-5 blogs you enjoy that have under 200 followers.”

According to the ‘rules’ (btw I’ve never done this before) – Presumably, one should add the Liebster Blog Award picture to the post on the award. Done…

Dear Kitty. Some blog fascinates me in so many ways. I wish more people in this world would share her point of view. Check her out!

Here are my nominees (I am not sure whether I have kept to the 200 or less rule, as not all blogs list their number of followers) (I have linked to the nominees’ blogs. I will notify them at their blogs):

just be. love all. live life.



The receiver of the award should copy & answer the questions below.
My answers are:

1. What’s your favorite word in the English language?


2. What are you listening to as you write the answer to this question (if not music, what sounds)?

A shy tinnitus buzzing in my ears. Can feel and hear my heartbeat, kinda. The sound of overdrive and distortion. School of Nirvana, and four songs with my band VITO. The open mic gig tonight was insane…

3. What was the last thing you ate that you really, really enjoyed?

A simple green apple. Enjoying it at this particular moment.

4. You’re at a job interview, and the interviewer asks you to make him laugh. What do you do or say?

I1d say I’m not that funny.

5. The world is about to blow up, but you’re being saved, and are allowed to take five things to another planet (aside from the clothes you are currently wearing), where you and only 999 other people will now exist (ignore the bleakness of this question). What do you take?

My guitar, my journal, a pen, a toothbrush, and a pillow.

6. What’s your favorite drink to consume first thing in the morning?


7. What was the last book to make you cry?

Buddhas Children – A Journey Among People – by Torbjørn Færøvik.

8. What’s the most ridiculous or silliest way you’ve been injured?

Stumbled down some stairs, fell flat on my face, and ended up with a fractured ankle/foot – crutches for seven weeks. FML.

9. What’s your favorite city in the world? Why?

Stockholm. Fell in love at first sight. The Swedes got everything. Astrid Lindgren, Unga Klara – Suzanne Osten, Vår Teater, Stadsteatern, Kungliga Dramaten, Unga Dramaten. Also got good memories from Moderna Museet, and Beyond Retro

10. What’s the most embarrassing album in your music collection? (Be honest)

Aqua-Aquarium. First CD I ever got. I even know all the lyrics.

11. To borrow an old line from a Crowded House song, would you rather a mansion in the slums or a caravan in the hills (i.e. a nice house in a not nice area, or a tiny living space but with views)?

I’d like to live in a bungalow by the beach. Perfect view!

1. How long have you blogged?

Since 2005. Just random gibberish at that time, Gaffelioyet is the first “real” blog I’ve got.

2. What is your talent you are most proud of?

Never giving up..

3. You wake up in a shaggy hotel in a city of your choice with your best friend and a complete stranger of the opposite sex. There’s a kitchen-battle-axe on the floor with blood on it and an owl in the bathroom. What has happened?

We’ve played the game they play in Four Rooms, and the owl is the award.

4. What’s your favorite day of the week?

Any day after a good night sleep!

5. If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why?

A squirrel. Had to be one in a play a while go. Never got rid of the moves…

6. What are you doing for your living?

Traveling student at the moment. AUSTRALIA.

7. Where would you take me in your hometown, if I would visit you?

I would take you somewhere nicer than my hometown!

8. What is your favorite sound?


9. Do you have a celebrity crush? Who is it?

I got two. Patti Smith, and Brody Dalle.

10. What is the first web-site you go to when you open your browser?

11. What languages do you speak?

Norwegian, English, Swedish, poor Danish, and lousy French.

This rare evening… This week has been exhausting. Good though. Gotta show up at school in less than five hours. VITO – we had our best gig ever tonight, and I even got to perform cover of Nirvana with some other grunge blokes of mine. Open mic in Volda and the audience … mental ! Fuck. Then I got this award from What a day! I sure appreciate it! Don’t know what to say…


Birds are singing. Loud. Gathering or something. Outside my window. 
And I'm not sleeping.

5:16am as I’m writing these words. Should’ve closed my eyes and forced myself to dance into dreamland hours ago. As usual I just couldn’t. Staying up late summer nights never seem to bore me. The fact that I don’t mind my eyes glaring and my stomach crying out loud for breakfast really get me going. Nico will show up at my place in about less than two and a half hours. That’s probably why I’m so excited. Haven’t seen each other since he left Volda in the middle of June. Been reading the manga Bleach for hours. I’m a geek and I’m proud of it. Addicted. I also can’t sleep because I’ve left my outdoor open (because I never can hear him nock if I’m fast asleep), and a couple of weeks ago I got experience with late night douchebags who stole into my apartment, and locked them selves up in my bathroom. Stupid, blond skank just had to pee pee. Stupid, big, scary dude as her companion. Why do people always bother my sleep? And why always the nights I actually sleep… Stupid, stupid, stupid. She could’ve borrowed the toilet with actual permission if she’d been clever enough to knock, and asked before she disrespectfully urinated on my property. I dislike stupid people. Anyway, now this post is also getting stupid. It’s like I’m losing the threads. Don’t know where I’m going. I know I’m losing them. Mess. Just like my knitting project. Stupid. Again. I know cupid is stupid. Yet I smile. Two hours and I’m no longer a workaholic loner living in a sitting box. Finally. No more nights petting my tear wet pillow. Now I’m just playing emo. Stupid. Birds are still singing. I think this will be a good day. After some sleep of course! 6:30am. Zzzz. Good morning sunshine!

22 hours ago. I should post a picture to let you now how the present situation looks like.
I’ll skip it just to save your tears. Zombie.

TUNEZ TODAY: Nirvana – Lake of Fire, Dumb, Drain You, Very Ape.
And if you haven’t heard it before, her words never die, ever. Check out Patti Smith – The Salvation of Rock (Live), first track on the album Easter Rising. Then you space out for an hour hearing the rest of it. Enjoy yourself! Y



Åssn henger’n? Egentlig? -Kan vel ikke an’t enn klage. Fridag.

I mangel av ork og livlig fantasi vil jeg bare meddele at nettleseren min (Mozilla Firefox) har bestilt meg nye sko. Skoa er skotskrutet i rødt og marineblått. Vans Chukka Boot Belt Clr Red/navy-38, står det på ordrebekreflesen. Nettsiden til Formatshop hang seg elegant opp i det internetten stakk på ferie, og som et resultat av det får jeg snart en giro i postkassa. 1-3 dager. Jesus. Karma er heldigvis med meg. Vi har et ganske opp-og-ned-forhold, karma og jeg. 30% tilbud på skoa. De lå på “ønskelista”. Conversa mine har gått i oppløsning. Teipa med gaffa. Er kanskje en mening med det.

Erfaringsmessig er netthandel generelt fy-fy i min verden. Det er avhengighetsskapende. Det er rasende festlig. Alt for lett tilgjengelig. Det er også veldig uøkonomisk med tanke på at 50% av det jeg tidligere har bestilt kom i feil størrelse. Lærer aldri. Lurer meg selv med at det er en del av spenninga med pakkepost, om det er brukelig eller ikke.

Der har du meg, over hele linja; alt jeg har lyst til er enten uøkonomisk/ulovlig, umoralsk eller feitende. Festlig med tanke på at jeg ikke eier flisa i veggen for øyeblikket. Lønning om to dager. Netthandel er veldig feitende, egentlig. Man slipper unna trange prøverom som krever akrobatiske ferdigheter, bøy og tøy. Ikke må man gå rundt å bære på noe heller. Jeg kunne vel hatt godt av et skikkelig shoppingmaraton. Synn shoppingkondisen min er utdødd og at jeg får neller så fort jeg beveger meg inn på et kjøpesenter. Blir svett bare jeg ser Amfi-senterlogoen. Så vet man det.

I helga var det sinnsykt mye fliring, fyll og festligheter. Raumarock 2010, det var helt ubeskrivelig. Herlig musikk, herlige mennesker og herlig vær. Kan det bli bedre? Elsker festival og ser frem til å kanskje komme meg på Roskilde neste år. DET hadde vært noe, det. Bilder og oppdatering fra Peace & Love, Malakoff og Raumarock kommer etterhvert.

Blue October – Hate Me (Acoustic Version), Lily Allen – U Killed It, The Strokes – Under Control, Eminem – Space Bound



It’s a beautiful world, everyone’s insane.

Jeg sover ikke. Jeg nerder. Unødvendig tidsfordriv, i alle fall med tanke på at jeg ikke engang er innlogget på fjasboka. Søster’n har i løpet av kvelden komt over en artikkel om veggedyr. Høres nesten interessant ut dét, men på grunn av at hun har blitt oppmerksom på at det kravler og bor millionvis av midd og andre små, beinbefengte eklinger i veggen, er støynivået i kjelleren nå tilnærmet på jernverket i Mo i Rana. Nedvask (dvs alle møbler ut av rommet, støvsuging, vasking av gulv, tak og vegger, risting av alle klær etc) av soverom står for tur. Heldige meg må opp rundt klokken 8, klar som et egg for å gripe dagen. Ber til Allah, Krishna og Jesus om at rommet snart ser ut som på reklamen. Om jeg ikke kommer meg i seng snart kommer jeg hverken til å gripe eller begripe noe som helst i morra. Ikke det at lite søvn er ut ukjent fenomen for kroppen min. Autopiloten er heldigvis av den grunn veldressert.

I morgen går bussen til Ålesund. Marielle og jeg skal kose oss, rett og slett. Har bestilt 14 grader og lettskyet oppholdsvær, og planen er at vi skal befinne oss utendørs. Vi skal ut på eventyr. Gleder meg verre. Nå høres det ut som møblemanget er på tur over dørstokken igjen, og jeg tror trynet mitt har fått et hint av asiatiske trekk. Må myse for å se skjermen. Det er på tide å legge seg. Jeg klipper derfor av snora på gassballongen og sier god natt. -Kriss

Veggedyr, (veggelus) (Cimex lectularius) tilhører gruppen Cimicidae og er en blodsugende tege.

VEGGEDYR lever som parasitt og suger blod fra mennesker og har vært et kjent og plagsomt dyr for mennesker i alle tider. Veggedyret var tidligere utbredt og en stor plage i mange områder av Norge. Det levde i sengehalm, på soverom i veggsprekker og lignende steder. Det meldes om øking av veggdyr i Norge og ting som reisevirksomheten til utlandet har bidratt til at veggedyret av og til blir med som blindpassasjerer (Wikipedia). . . . Vaske?!

Bush – Float, Inflatable